Joffrey Deleplanque
Reach the other side
When I learned the meaning of my Belgian family name ‘Deleplanque’, it
made all sense: it derives from the ancient French name ‘deleplanche’,
which refers to the place in a swamp where back in the days wooden
footbridges enabled people to reach the other side safely. This is how I
see myself in my practice as a multidisciplinary and holistic therapist. As
someone who enables others to take the necessary steps towards better
self-knowledge, deeper awareness and a healthier body and mind.
I have personally experienced the therapies I offer to my clients, in those
places in the world where they originated from and where they are still
practiced as part of daily routine, according to centuries of oral traditions.
I share this ancient knowledge, adapted to contemporary needs.
“ Processus transformateur alchimiste . Les abeilles sont des grandes alchimistes qui prennent la pureté du nectar (nectar de dieu) ”.